Customer: FGV – Getulio Vargas Foundation
Specialized services for consultancy on the elaboration of Water Resources National Plan – PNHR.
Customer: RURALMINAS - Minas Gerais Rural Foundation
Master plan of water resources in the captation basins of the São Francisco river in the Minas Gerais state.
Customer: SEMA/RS - State Secretary for the Environment
Consolidation of knowledge about the water resources of the basin of the river Rio Pardo (phases A and B) and elaboration of an action plan for the subbasin of Rio Pardinho river (phase C).
Customer: SEMA/RS - State Secretary for the Environment
Elaboration of the state plan of water resources in Rio Grande do Sul.
Customer: Executive Association to Support the Management of Peixe Vivo Watersheds
Master plan for water resources of the Rio das Velhas river hydrographic basin named PDRH Rio das Velhas, with an area of 27,850 km².
Customer: SEMA/RS - State Secretary for the Environment
Consulting services related to the process of planning of the Guaíba lake hydrographic basin – phase C, with an area of 2,973 km².
Customer: IGAM - Minas Gerais Institute of Water Management
Integrated plan for water resources of the Rio Doce river basin and action plans for the water resources of the basins afluent to the Rio Doce: Piranga, Piracicaba, Santo Antônio, Suaçuí, Caratinga and Manhuaçu (state of Minas Gerais), and nta Maria do Doce, Guandu and São José (Espírito Santo state), with an area of 86,715 km².
Customer: CRH/RS – Rio Grande do Sul Water Resources Council
Pilot project for the formation of the management committee for the cross-border basin of the Quaraí river (Brazil/Uruguay).
Customer: IICA - Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
Studies to reinforce SRH's operational capacity and establishment of standards and criteria for hydraulic works.
Customer: CRH/RS – Rio Grande do Sul Water Resources Council
Evaluation of the quality/quantity of the availability and demands of water in the hydrographic basin of the Pardo/Pardinho rivers.
Customer: CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company
Studies of the social, technical economic and environmental feasibility of constructing a series of dams to control the discharge of water from the basin of the Rio das Velhas river.
Customer: IGAM - Minas Gerais Institute of Water Management
Master plan for water resources of the Rio Verde river hydrographic basin and the update of the framework of the water bodies of the respective basin, with an area of 6,891 km².
Customer: ANA - National Water Agency
Water resources plan for the Rio Verde Grande river hydrographic basin, with an area of 27,219 km².
Customer: IGAM - Minas Gerais Institute of Water Management
Master plans for water resources and frameworks in water basins in the state of Minas Gerais - Alto Rio Grande and Rios das Mortes and Jacaré rivers, with an area of 19,354 km².
Customer: IGAM - Minas Gerais Institute of Water Management
Master plans for water resources and frameworks of water bodies in river basins in the state of Minas Gerais - do Rio Urucuia and Médio São Francisco tributaries rivers with an area of 56,398 km².
Customer: AGB PEIXE VIVO - Executive Association to Support the Management of Peixe Vivo Watersheds
Master plan for water resources (PDRH) and framework for water bodies for the Alto São Francisco tributary watershed.